23 Jan


My Photography Journey

Today on the blog, I’m giving you the tea on my photography journey. Hope you enjoy!

And So it Begins

Growing up, my mom was CONSTANTLY taking our picture! I have a HUGE baby book, chock full of baby pictures and you should SEE the number of prints (and double prints) my mom has of my sister and I at her house. Nothing went undocumented (think Christmas pictures, Easter dresses, first day of school pics times 17!) We were dressed up like twins (despite being almost 5 years apart….THANKS, MOM!) and we have pictures upon pictures.

Were they all in focus? Nope! Did they have any sort of composition? Nope again! But honestly, I LOVE how much we can look back on our childhood and know exactly what life was like back then because of the photos my mom took. To me, that’s all that matters!

My First Photography Class

Fast forward through life a couple of years until high school. There were no phones, no social media, but I took photography classes! I not only loved the time we got to go out and take pictures (aka not spending time in a classroom), but I was also CONSTANTLY the girl with a camera on hand or in her bag. The point and shoot disposable cameras did me well.

Travel further down the line and I’m going to Italy for the first time. I buy a really “fancy” point and shoot camera to take beautiful pictures (ha!!).

I think you get the point- my pictures haven’t always been beautiful or high quality, but I have always had a love for photography (truly without it even hitting me!).

But then I got married….and our wedding photos had me like “WOW!!”

I was soaking up all things “photo” and truly wanted to take beautiful pictures like my wedding photographer (turned real-life friend) Carly! She was KILLING it and I picked her brain SO MUCH! She was so sweet and answered all my annoying texts…and then my mom bought a big girl DSLR camera and changed the game….

Or so I thought!

A Little Photography Lesson for You

Newsflash: You can have a high quality camera (totally top of the line) but shooting on auto WILL NOT get you the images you are after. And I found that out really quick! 

Here are some fun before and afters of Brady, my oldest, from when I started to where I am now! 
Family Session | Utah Family Photos | Salt Flats Utah | Utah Lifestyle Photographer | Utah Family Photographer | What to Wear for Family Photos | Brooke Bakken Photography | www.brookebakken.comFamily Session | Utah Family Photos | Salt Flats Utah | Utah Lifestyle Photographer | Utah Family Photographer | What to Wear for Family Photos | Brooke Bakken Photography | www.brookebakken.com

The Great Photography Leap

Like I mentioned above, photography has just always been part of my life growing up, and while I didn’t have my “A-HA!” moment until after college. I’m so grateful I found what I love and what I’m passionate about. The one thing I wish I could go back and tell myself would be this: HAVE PATIENCE with yourself. Stop comparing your beginning to someone’s middle (or what feels like a beautiful and established business). I wanted BEAUTIFUL, heartwarming images RIGHT AWAY and would get so frustrated with myself when I would read blogs or see images online of what I WANTED so badly for my images to be, and would get so frustrated that mine didn’t look like that. I wish I would have tuned out the “trends” and just tried to learn, shoot and edit to what I loved.
Educator | Content Creation | Photography Tips | Women in Business | Fempreneur | Photography for Beginners | Photography for Moms | Moms Photography | Momtographer | Brooke Bakken Photography | Utah Family Photographer | www.brookebakken.comEducator | Content Creation | Photography Tips | Women in Business | Fempreneur | Photography for Beginners | Photography for Moms | Moms Photography | Momtographer | Brooke Bakken Photography | Utah Family Photographer | www.brookebakken.comEducator | Content Creation | Photography Tips | Women in Business | Fempreneur | Photography for Beginners | Photography for Moms | Moms Photography | Momtographer | Brooke Bakken Photography | Utah Family Photographer | www.brookebakken.com

Self-Taught Trial & Error

As a self-taught photog, I truly was totally winging it. “Trial and Error” was pretty much the backbone of the beginning of my business. I was SO lucky to have incredible friends that not only asked me to shoot portraits for their family, but paid me (I cringe about it now) to do it. They valued me and my time (and what felt like a lack of talent!). But how grateful I am for the opportunities given to me in the beginning. I didn’t take a SINGLE business class in college. Ha, I just used Turbo Tax when it came to doing my taxes, and I had no idea what “Business Insurance” was. But I was ON FIRE and truly had a hustle attitude. I was DETERMINED to make this new passion turn into a profitable business. I Googled, Youtubed, joined Facebook groups, and shadowed other photographers. I held bags, worked for free, and basically engulfed myself in all things PHOTOGRAPHY!

Family Session | Utah Family Photos | Salt Flats Utah | Utah Lifestyle Photographer | Utah Family Photographer | What to Wear for Family Photos | Brooke Bakken Photography | www.brookebakken.comFamily Session | Utah Family Photos | Salt Flats Utah | Utah Lifestyle Photographer | Utah Family Photographer | What to Wear for Family Photos | Brooke Bakken Photography | www.brookebakken.comFamily Session | Utah Family Photos | Salt Flats Utah | Utah Lifestyle Photographer | Utah Family Photographer | What to Wear for Family Photos | Brooke Bakken Photography | www.brookebakken.comFamily Session | Utah Family Photos | Salt Flats Utah | Utah Lifestyle Photographer | Utah Family Photographer | What to Wear for Family Photos | Brooke Bakken Photography | www.brookebakken.com

Why I Love Being a Photographer

I love being a photographer as much today as I did the very first year in my business. While my business looks different now than it did back then (thank heavens), it’s still something I am SO EFFING PROUD OF!!! I built this. I took a passion and turned it into a business. I built something from the ground up. I pushed myself to find answers when I felt stuck. I worked two jobs, while also being a mom. I sacrificed sleep to make sure I was hitting deadlines both for my full-time job and the clients I loved dearly. I have missed out on anniversaries, birthdays and countless date nights/girls night outs…but I wouldn’t change it for the world. My children have seen their mom go after her dreams. My children have seen the sacrifice life calls for sometimes. My children have seen me create something for myself and see (hopefully) all the extras we can give them with the income I bring to the table. While I have so many accomplishments I am proud of, these are the ones that mean the most.

So with that being said….2020 is OUR YEAR! This is the year I bring all my knowledge full circle and help YOU! Maybe you don’t want to start a photo business (that’s totally ok!!) but you want better images of your kids, your nieces or nephews, your dogs, your food for your blog….whatever it is, I want to help!! I want to be the person you DM because you can’t seem to get your settings right or find the answer you are looking for in google. Or maybe you are a visual learner and just need someone to show you or walk you through things…I got you boo boo. I’m here for it and I’m here for YOU!

Download Your Photography Freebie!

Does your camera feel like a mystery to you? Have no fear! I’ve got you covered, sis. Click here to snag dibs on my photography cheat sheet guide on how to work your camera in all the right ways so that you can start capturing the photos your heart longs for!