12 Feb


Self-Care Faves

Today on the blog, I’m dishing the tea on all my self-care favorites! If I have learned anything about being a wife, momma, friend, sister, you name it, it’s that taking care of myself is vital in order to take care of my family and make the most out of every relationship!

Self-Care Inspo

After listening to Rachel Hollis’ Podcast (are you even surprised at this point that I yet again bring her up?) “The Most Important Thing I Do Every Year”, I started a new way to look at my goals for me personally and professionally. You can listen to this exact episode HERE just in case you are curious. I highly recommend it!

Note: This isn’t a “resolution” blog post, but a post on how I decided to stop putting everyone and everything before myself. How I decided to make room to give myself some love and care. Running a full-time business and being a full-time momma can be CRAZY. But that’s not to say I don’t love every bit of it- because I do! However, making time to slow down and breathe has been pivotal for me! It has really helped me be a better wife and mom.

If you have followed me at all in the last little bit, then you already know, I SWEAR BY my Enneagram number (what up #2’s). But what you might not know, is that I am a people pleaser. I put the needs of everyone else (husband, friends, kids, etc.) before my own. That was until I listened to this podcast. While I haven’t done a complete 180, I have taken some of the things Rachel has sworn by and implemented them into my own life.

Self Care | Self Love | Self Care Routine | Love Yourself | Self Care Quotes | Valentine's Day | Brooke Bakken Photography | www.brookebakken.com

Self-Care Favs

The biggest thing I have been inspired to do is place myself in the category of “People to Take Care Of” (and at the very top of that list). What could I do for myself every month, once a week, or even once a day that would make me feel as if I am living my best life??

Here’s what I decided, and friends- it’s been a serious game changer!

  1. Get a Massage Once a Month. I stand a lot for my job, carrying REALLY heavy gear for hours at a time. While this feels a little “boujee” and excessive, it makes me feel pampered and truly like such a treat! I have also found a fun little place near me that also does Epsom Salt Float Pods that are SENSATIONAL!!! One of the coolest experiences and best naps of my life!!

    Self Care | Self Love | Self Care Routine | Love Yourself | Self Care Quotes | Valentine's Day | Brooke Bakken Photography | www.brookebakken.com Self Care | Self Love | Self Care Routine | Love Yourself | Self Care Quotes | Valentine's Day | Brooke Bakken Photography | www.brookebakken.com Self Care | Self Love | Self Care Routine | Love Yourself | Self Care Quotes | Valentine's Day | Brooke Bakken Photography | www.brookebakken.com

  2. Have Lunch/Dinner with a Friend (NO KIDS) Once a Month. This one seems easy but it actually tends to be the one that gets put on the back burner the most in a busy month.

    Self Care | Self Love | Self Care Routine | Love Yourself | Self Care Quotes | Valentine's Day | Brooke Bakken Photography | www.brookebakken.com

  3. Go to the Gym At Least 3 Times a Week. During the school year this is a piece of cake…summer with the kids at home, this can feel impossible but I am determined to make it work this summer.

    Self Care | Self Love | Self Care Routine | Love Yourself | Self Care Quotes | Valentine's Day | Brooke Bakken Photography | www.brookebakken.comSelf Care | Self Love | Self Care Routine | Love Yourself | Self Care Quotes | Valentine's Day | Brooke Bakken Photography | www.brookebakken.com

  4. Have a YEARLY Girls Trip. Pick somewhere fun…and enjoy a weekend away with no kids and no work.

    Self Care | Self Love | Self Care Routine | Love Yourself | Self Care Quotes | Valentine's Day | Brooke Bakken Photography | www.brookebakken.com

  5. Hire a House Cleaner 1-2 times a Month. Truth be told, this might be my favorite one!!

    Self Care | Self Love | Self Care Routine | Love Yourself | Self Care Quotes | Valentine's Day | Brooke Bakken Photography | www.brookebakken.com

While these may seem simple, I really do have to put these on my calendar or they just won’t happen. I have to change my mindset and remember that I am in control of my calendar and who I put first and where I place my priorities! So this year, remember that it’s okay to take care of YOU!

Want More?

Did you enjoy this blog post? If so, be sure to check out my post on spring cleaning!