As I enter into another decade– which, how is that even possible?! – here are 10 things I’m taking with me in my 40’s. A culmination of the lessons I’ve learned over the last 39 years. Let’s kindly call them, “My No Fuck’s Given 40’s!”
- Stop doing things that DON’T bring me JOY – this decade I want to do the things that I LOVE doing and make me happy, and if I can avoid doing things that don’t bring me joy, I’m going to say no.
- No people pleasing (we will keep working on this in therapy HA!) – this is definitely one of the harder things to take with me in my 40’s because I am such a people pleaser. But I definitely think that this is something that I want to prioritize this decade.
- Continue to process that not all friendships are meant to last a lifetime AND not all friendships are equal – One of the things that I would tell my younger self is definitely this. Friendships have different levels and sometimes people come into your life for a season.
- Stop “shoulding” – I’m definitely taking this into my 40’s. I don’t want to focus on what I “should” have done, I want to focus more on what I am doing.
- No more simply “surviving”, we are THRIVING baby! YOLO – Thriving because we will be holding loosely to the plans and going with the flow!
- Stop waiting. No more waiting for a special occasion. No waiting, worrying, or wishing. Get out there and make things happen. – You miss out when you wait to do things, and this is one of the biggest lessons that the past 4 decades has taught me, so I’m taking it with me in my 40’s.
- Let go of what other people think of me – This ties in with trying to quit people pleasing. I can’t control what other people think of me, and I have to stop thinking that I need to please them.
- Less fucks given – enough said. 😉
- Embrace (a little) confrontation – I’m not going around confronting people, but I do want to be able to embrace confrontation when I have to. It’s not going to hurt.
- It’s not too late. It’s not too late to start the book club, to learn a new skill. It’s definitely not too late to change who you want to be, and who you want to surround yourself with.
Although these are the lessons that I’ve learned over the past 39 years that I want to take with me in my 40’s, I truly believe these are lessons that are for everyone at any age, in fact the sooner you learn them, the better! 🙂
P.s. Scroll through for some fun milestone birthday photos!
I’m excited for this next decade and everything it’s bound to hold– which, I’ll be sharing next, so stay tuned!
Let’s do a fun milestone birthday photoshoot! Click the photo below to get in touch, and follow along on IG for more galleries!