25 Jul


All Seasons Neutral Tones for Families

My go-to recommendation for creating timeless and versatile images is to opt for neutral tones for families. As a family photographer, tone question I often receive from clients is how to choose the perfect color palette for their family photos that will look great in every season. Neutrals, such as whites, creams, soft grays, and earthy shades, offer a classic and elegant look that seamlessly blends with the beauty of each season. Today, I’m diving into the art of selecting neutral colors and how they can create stunning family portraits that stand the test of time.

P.s. If you scroll all the way to the end, you’ll get a FREE GUIDE I created to help you!





Neutral Tones for families: A Palette for All Seasons

Choosing neutral tones for family photos is like creating a blank canvas for your family’s unique story. These colors complement the natural elements of every season, allowing your family to be the focal point while seamlessly blending with the environment. Whether it’s the warm tones of autumn leaves, the soft hues of spring blooms, or the cool backdrop of winter, neutrals provide a versatile backdrop that remains consistent throughout the year.


Neutral Tones: Elegance and Timelessness

Neutrals exude elegance and timelessness. They have a way of creating a classic and sophisticated look that never goes out of style. When you look back at your family photos years from now, you’ll appreciate the timeless beauty of neutrals, free from the distractions of trendy colors or patterns that fade with time.

Embracing the Beauty of Simplicity

By choosing neutral tones, the focus of your family photos shifts to the genuine emotions, connections, and interactions between family members. The simplicity of neutrals allows your family’s love and personality to shine through, creating images that are heartwarming and authentic.

Coordinating Outfits with Ease

One of the advantages of selecting neutrals is how effortlessly they coordinate with each other and various outfits. Mixing and matching becomes a breeze, allowing each family member to express their individual style while maintaining a cohesive overall look.

Accessorize and Add Depth

Neutrals don’t mean bland or monotone. You can enhance your family’s attire by incorporating textured fabrics, subtle patterns, or accessories with delicate pops of color. Scarves, hats, or simple jewelry can add depth and visual interest without overwhelming the overall look and feel.

Year-Round Versatility

With neutrals, your family photos can seamlessly transition from season to season. Whether you’re planning a summer beach session, a cozy fall shoot, or a snowy winter wonderland, neutral tones will complement the environment and create a beautiful backdrop for your family’s story.


Choosing neutral tones for family photos is a surefire way to achieve timeless elegance and create images that transcend seasons. The versatility of neutrals allows you to focus on what truly matters—the love, connection, and cherished moments with your family. 

Embrace the beauty of simplicity and the magic of neutrals, and I guarantee your family photos will be cherished treasures for generations to come.


The Whetten’s Neutral Tones for Families



Family photos are a ton of fun, but they can be hard to coordinate- especially with kiddos! That’s why I created my Family Sessions: What to Wear Guide. It’s totally FREE and meant to help ease the stress of all the planning, so be sure to grab your copy by clicking the image below and let me know what you think!

If you have any other questions regarding family photos, be sure to get in touch! I am happy to help you however I can!