05 Oct


Capture the Moment Challenge

The October photo challenge is underway and with it comes the question, “How do we stay present AND capture the moment”. We’ve all had those moments, camera in one hand and a wriggling child in the other, trying to freeze time yet longing to be in the moment. So, what if we could do both? Let’s dive into how you can stay present and capture the moment, not only for this October photo challenge, but in general. 📸




5 Tips to Capture the Moment

1. The Sneaky Timer Trick 

Set your camera or phone on a timer and let it do the magic. Whether it’s a candid family dinner shot, a spontaneous dance session, or making Sunday pancakes, you’ll be in the scene, laughing and participating. And guess what? You’ll have photos as proof of your fabulous, fun-filled moments!


2. The “Look & Shoot” Rule 

No, this isn’t about perfect aim, but about training your eyes to spot a memorable moment quickly. Take a quick glance, feel the joy of the moment, snap the photo, and return to the activity. It’s a swift, ‘look and shoot’ — this way, you’re only briefly distracted, ensuring you’re still wrapped up in the magic of the moment.


3. The One Shot Rule 

Set yourself a challenge: just ONE shot for any activity. Instead of taking multiple snaps and missing out on the fun, allow yourself only one photo. This not only encourages you to savor the moment before capturing it but also means less time behind the lens and more time being part of the action.


4. Give it to Your Kids 

Kids love roles and responsibilities! Make one of them your official “photo assistant” for the day. They can carry the camera, suggest moments to capture, or even take photos themselves. While they’re engrossed in their new job, you can wholeheartedly enjoy the activity – with occasional posing, of course!


5. Journal & Pair 

Take this challenge up a notch by journaling your days. At the end of each activity, jot down the moments that brought you joy or made you laugh. Then, choose just one photo from the day to pair with your journal entry. This ensures that you’re not constantly chasing photos but instead, reflecting on your day and valuing each snap you do take.


Embrace the Challenge 

As we embark on this delightful photo challenge, always remember the heart of the matter: it’s about cherishing each tick of the clock, each giggle, each hug, and every shared story. Yes, the photos are treasures, but the memories behind them? They’re the real gold.

Here’s to striking the perfect balance between capturing memories and making them. And remember, sometimes the best moments are the ones not captured, but deeply felt.



It’s never too late to join the challenge; just click the image below to get it sent to your inbox, if it’s no longer October, you’ll get that month’s! Don’t forget to tag me on Instagram if you share them on social media — @brookebakken. Oh, and if you’re looking for a family photographer in Utah, let’s chat!